Our cleaning drone can operate at heights up to 50m and clean up to 1,200m2/hr.

We keep our team safely on the ground while our cleaning drone uses the appropriate method to clean your building windows or facades. With enough battery power to operate all day, the drone minimizes the downtime that you’d usually experience with clunky elevated work platforms (EWPs) or abseil drops.

Our drone pilot controls the aircraft from the ground with remote on/off water control and a real time view of what the drone is cleaning via the onboard FPV (first person view) camera. Our rig manager assists the pilot with ground operations and hose management, whilst also ensuring the site is safe with an exclusion zone set up around the operation.


For cleaning windows and certain facades we use an environmentally friendly, pure hot water pressure wash.

We take your on site water and filter it through our high tech reverse osmosis filtration system before heating it to 70°C. The drone then applies this to the building using high pressure and a range of specialist nozzles tailored for various substrates.

The process of reverse osmosis brings the water to a total dissolved solids (TDS) level of 0PPM (0 parts per million), which eliminates the minerals and impurities that cause spots and streaks on windows. Water treated in this manner also evaporates faster due to its purity and leaves no residue behind for a spotless clean.

Heating the water to 70°C helps to soften up any stubborn dirt, grease and grime without the need for toxic chemicals.

A pure hot water wash is the most eco-friendly solution available on the market as it introduces absolutely no chemicals into the environment and results in perfect spot free windows and facades every time.


For facades in more severe environments where a chemical treatment may be required, we use a low pressure soft wash method.

The cleaning drone applies a 100% naturally derived and bio-degradable product to the building via a low pressure spray. This solution is left on the building and over time will interact with natural wind and rainfall to return the substrate back to a pristine condition.

We’re capable of applying our soft wash solution at acute angles, allowing us to treat underneath soffits and complex structures high above the ground. This environmentally friendly soft wash is safe on plants and is currently undergoing Eco Choice Aotearoa approval.

Reduce risk and optimise efficiency by eliminating the need for rope access or EWPs.


Our cleaning drone delivers a high quality, contactless cleaning solution to your building
or structure in a fraction of the time. Enter your details below and we will get in touch.

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